ASI Leadership Team
Kristen Rasmussen (PI and ASI Director) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Science at CSU. She is a PI for the RELAMAPGO field campaign and has participated in 6 major field campaigns. Rasmussen uses a combination of satellite and radar observations, and mesoscale modeling to study cloud and mesoscale processes in severe convective storms around the world.
Melissa Burt (Co-PI and ASI Assistant Director) is a Research Scientist and Graduate Diversity Director, for the Department of Atmospheric Science and Walter Scott Jr. College of Engineering. She has ten years of experience managing large NSF-supported Education and Diversity programs. Burt is the Program Director for the REU Site in Climate Science at CSU and responsible for the overall coordination and organization of the REU program.
Angela Rowe (ASI Field Experience Coordinator) is a Research Scientist in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington. Dr. Rowe’s research expertise is in convective and mesoscale processes, using radar as the primary research tool. In addition, she has experience in numerous NSF-sponsored international field campaigns, including radar operations and student training that provides motivation and experience for serving as this ASI’s Field Experience Coordinator.
Deanna Hence (ASI Professional Development Coordinator) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her current research in cloud and precipitation physics studies the interactions of high-impact weather systems at the convective- and mesoscale with their surrounding environment. She is an alum and currently a co-PI of the Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS) program at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
Rebecca Haacker (ASI Recruitment and Outreach Director) is the Director of Education and Outreach at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, leading NCAR’s efforts in public outreach, student internships, postdoctoral appointments, and the support of university training with workshops and tutorials. She also directs the NCAR Advanced Study Program. Rebecca Haacker publishes, speaks and conducts workshops on mentoring, workforce development, diversity and inclusion, prevention of harassment, and accessibility for people with disabilities to the geosciences.